African Sermon Safaris i Nairobi

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KenyaAfrican Sermon Safaris



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College House, Koinange Street, Nairobi, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 722 884748
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Latitude: -1.280908, Longitude: 36.817156

kommentar 5

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    Charles J. Warren


    Having been on quite a number of holidays, this is by far the best we have ever been on, nothing beats the natural beauty of Africa. Everything we wanted, loved every minute and if you have a sense of adventure, you won't be disappointed. Go for it you won't regret it. We miss it already! It has inspired us to see more of Africa and we would definitely go with this company ‘African Sermon Safaris’ again. Thank you Daniel.

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    kuphal alberto


    It's been our dream to take a safari to Africa and we ultimately had an Excellent Safari. Planning our trip with Daniel and African Sermon Safaris was definitely the right choice for us. He took the time to understand what we wanted out of this safari and was such helpful guide in planning our Trip. He used his expertise to provide great suggestions such that we were finally able to build experiences into our itinerary that we wouldn't have considered if we had tried to plan this trip independently. Before we left, Daniel ensured that we were clear on things that often to take other travelers by surprise, things like necessary entry fees, visa & passport regulations, etc. Thanks Daniel and all those who contributed to make this the best safari ever

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    Lennart Davidsen


    A fantastic safari trip to Kenya and beach holiday in Zanzibar. Prior to departure, Daniel was great at answering all our questions. I was picked up at the airport and driven to the first night’s hotel in Nairobi. The next day we were picked up by our amazing guide and driver James .. (he was worth more than gold). Together with another couple we had a safari vehicle for ourselves ... I guess this must have been a luxury. Everything worked perfectly. We got what we had ordered and paid for and a little bit, worth the value for money. Our guide had a complete control of our vacation and worked to making us happy, couldn’t have asked for anything more. The beach trip to Zanzibar was relaxing and stayed in the north. The place has nice beaches and quiet from many tourists. I can only recommend African Sermon Safaris to others back here in Denmark for they offered a wonderful safari tour.

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    Philip Hilbert


    In September we traveled with African Sermon Safaris to Kenya. It was just a journey with absolutely amazing wonderful experience with friendly staff and good guides. ALL eleven in the group thought it was our most wonderful vacation experience! I do not think there are more beautiful lodges than those we lived in, they were all 5 stars, in the most beautiful scenery, all the way out of the bush with the wild beasts as the nearest neighbors - leopards, lions, hippos, crocodiles, zebras, thousands of gnu, vulture and many others ..... We drove in two comfortable and well-kept safari land cruisers with our own guides / drivers that are were the best. There were many safaris in the area, but our cars were definitely the best and most powerful The food was amazing, with lots of different dishes - one day we had a packed lunch and sat out in the bush under a tree with a vulture around us - it was the fantastic experience It was a great trip where we saw lots of animals as our nice drivers / guides (John and James) was good at "spotting" and bringing us up close. I can recommend African Sermon Safaris. We look forward to returning to the beautiful Africa and use their services again!

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    Paul C. Downing


    A worthy experience seeing big five in the wilds: The experience in Masai Mara is a lifetime memory for us. Stayed at one of the best luxury camps of Masai Mara. Incredible 4 days and experiences lived! Being close to two meters away from the leopards, lions, elephants, cheetah and other animals was an incredible thing. Thanks to our guide, the best without doubt! Thank you African Sermon Safari!

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