Ambassadeur Hotel Hotel i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaAmbassadeur Hotel Hotel


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Nairobi, Kenia
kontakter telefon: +254 20 2246615
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Latitude: -1.2854211, Longitude: 36.8261021

kommentar 5

  • Omar Ali Ibrahim

    Omar Ali Ibrahim


    It is a great place for a nice stay. The budget is affordable, the service is amazing. The hotel workers are very friendly. The offer airport pick up services upon request.

  • Steve Osombah

    Steve Osombah


    Affordable hotel at the heart of the city. Convenient for short business meeting in town.

  • Billy Joseck

    Billy Joseck


    It is one of the oldest hotels in Nairobi,and its situated right at the heart of town,that makes it easy to access. Its facilities are well maintained considering the no. of years its been around. Check it out I'm pretty sure you wont be disappointed.

  • en

    Martin Kariuki


    Good ambience, great place in the middle of town to have a meeting, wine and dine etc. Highly recommend the hotel. Great accomodation facilities too.

  • Katana Angore

    Katana Angore


    Situated at the centre of Nairobi's Central Business District. Has a good restaurant serving both local cuisine and continental. The Nairobi National Park is not far as well.

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