Black Forest House i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaBlack Forest House



🕗 åbningstider

Koinange Street, Nairobi, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 722 386173
internet side:
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Latitude: -1.2845258, Longitude: 36.8193624

kommentar 5

  • Priya Soni

    Priya Soni


    Offers varieties of cakes and taste great

  • Wambui Daisy

    Wambui Daisy


    Awesome cakes. I especially love the Thursday offers. Its a deal if you are the family planner of all family occasions. :-)

  • en

    Linda Akinyi


    Not all that they say they are.. Get your orders mixed up... You have to constantly follow up on you order or you will get a nasty surprise when picking it up

  • en

    Edjac Gacheru


    Very poor customer service at the Koinange branch. So I call them like seven times to make corrections on my order they dont pick my calls. I even call the managing office they dont pick either. I had to call the south c branch for assistance who made them call me back and they still dont even apologise for not picking my calls. Honestly customer service is everything .. that lady that picks calls, I think her name Ann or something she is letting you down..The customer is always right. Unfortunately koinange is the only branch in town.. Otherwise their cakes are delicious but if you dont have the patience to deal with their pathetic customer care service while placing orders just try the south c branch.

  • James Munywoki

    James Munywoki


    Get the best cakes for wedding, birthday and other celebration, I loved it

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