Kenya Cinema i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaKenya Cinema



🕗 åbningstider

Aga Khan Walk, Nairobi, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254
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Latitude: -1.2871539, Longitude: 36.8251322

kommentar 5

  • Edwin Ogalo

    Edwin Ogalo


    The Branch restaurant located on the first floor has nice affordable food. Fish,beef,greens etc. The service is excellent.

  • Wanjiru Maina

    Wanjiru Maina


    KC is located just right in the middle of CBD, Nairobi, so its easy to locate it. Inside the building there are a variety of businesses present. Security is good. An electric lift is also available. This place has good ambience.

  • Marlon Muthiani

    Marlon Muthiani


    Used to be a cinema but right now has cool joints to hang out ......great ice cream place inside

  • en

    Steven Kingori


    Luxurious and perfect place to spend ur leisure time. Easy to access and also average or medium cost is incurred that way it accommodates high population levels.

  • John Mwendwa

    John Mwendwa


    One building and has quite nice and affordable restaurants at the ground floor and first floor, Salon's, Barber shops, Cyber Cafe's and one of the best Gaming Places in Nairobi with a huge variety of games to play. Nice spot for students because that's where they mostly hang out. There's security at the entrance. Their elevator is in a bad condition and it's hardly working.

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