Lake Elmenteita Serena Camp i Nakuru

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KenyaLake Elmenteita Serena Camp



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Soysambu Conservancy, Nakuru, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 732 123333
internet side:
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Latitude: -0.405, Longitude: 36.24083

kommentar 5

  • Joane Diane

    Joane Diane


    From the main gate to the reception,everyone we came into contact with was so warm and personable. The Camp Manager,Elizabeth, was on hand to personally welcome us. We had the most wonderful time. Food service was timely and all the waiters were so wonderful. Special thanks to Simon,Joshua,Gad and Dorothy who took her time showing us the property. I 100% recommend the property.

  • carolyne nyagoha

    carolyne nyagoha


    A breath taking environment,chilled,spacious,unique etc. In short it's heaven on earth. My experience was superb. I will definitely visit again in the near future. Thank you Dorothy and all the staff can't remember their names. U were great.

  • Mehboob Lota

    Mehboob Lota


    This is one of the best places for a getaway from the hustle and bustle of the City life. Unspoilt environment and best cuisine, the different kinds of steak were all awfully tasty.

  • Mary Maina

    Mary Maina


    It is a very serene place to visit with very welcoming staff, including the manager Mr Isaac Kiuru. The views are excellent both sunrise and sundowner, and the game drive. Food is excellent and accommodation is superb. I recommend the place to all that want an experience worth remembering.

  • jemimah muriithi

    jemimah muriithi


    It was a breath-taking environment. The hospitality of the staff, the food, the ambience, the stillness of the environment and view of the Lake were quite a lovely experience. I will definitely return with the kids. I could recommend it as a get-away location or a place for relaxing while enjoying the wild outdoors in a serene atmosphere.

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