Aga Khan Academy Nairobi i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaAga Khan Academy Nairobi


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P.O. Box 4424, 00100, Nairobi, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 20 3744054
internet side:
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Latitude: -1.2660056, Longitude: 36.8227085

kommentar 5

  • Muthoni Maranga

    Muthoni Maranga


    This is my dream school I wish I could go there so for everyone who is hating this school I cannot complain for it is your own opinion but still want to go to this school :-) Thanks!!

  • Shahnaz M

    Shahnaz M


    Excellent school with one one the best faculty that I have ever come across. The system is tough but ensures success for the students future by enhancing their skills and perspectives towards life.

  • en

    meluc enterprises


    Its a very expensive private school .located on first parklands avenue of limuru road. Its a school frequented my Indians and highly privileged locals

  • mazin mohamed

    mazin mohamed


    This school isn't so bad but they discriminate students against their ethnicities or more so their (beliefs). My experience in this school wasn't one of the best mainly because if a student does one bad thing they accumalte more reasons to characterize them as the devil.

  • Becky Hodge

    Becky Hodge


    Student voice is LOUD and PROUD! Staff bring a lot of experience to the international curriculum, and although the campus could do with some updating, students are actively involved in the IB education and find their place at excellent higher education institutions thanks to a terrific counsellor. A school that exudes youthfulness. (I aged about five years leaving it...)

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