Ambassadeur Hotel i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaAmbassadeur Hotel


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Nairobi, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 20 2246615
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Latitude: -1.2854211, Longitude: 36.8261021

kommentar 5

  • Peter Mwangi

    Peter Mwangi


    A meeting place with the extra chatter and hooting in town. Central location for town meetings. Pocket friendly and no hustles associated with dedicated meeting places

  • Katana Angore

    Katana Angore


    Situated at the centre of Nairobi's Central Business District. Has a good restaurant serving both local cuisine and continental. The Nairobi National Park is not far as well.

  • Yvonne Nduku

    Yvonne Nduku


    An Iconic place and meeting point for most Kenyans. If you are always telling people to meet you at ambassadeur but end up at the metal rails at the entrance, then you need to go in to the hotel itself. There are some antique pictures and paintings which remind you of the mountain Era. I think they date to the early 1900's. There hotel space is good and it's not congested as most of the hotels in the city,you don't have to ask someone to move or push their chair forward so you can leave. It's unexpectedly quiet and calm considering the fact that it's next to a bus stop. Even though I had to wait for almost 20minutes before a waiter could take my order and almost an hour to get my food, I'd definitely go back.

  • Cyprian Mumia

    Cyprian Mumia


    Their rooms are perfect ...comfortable ..bath tab... Spacious and departure time 11am

  • Moses Prince

    Moses Prince


    Good place if you're on transit .....centrally placed with commuter buses to the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport near the hotel entrance. Service is good but the food is not what I expected. Being at the centre of town its quite noisy with a lot of air pollution from the vehicles. As I said earlier , good for one night travellers. A bit expensive.

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