ARC Hotel- Egerton University i Nakuru

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaARC Hotel- Egerton University


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P.O BOX 536-20115 4, Nakuru, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 51 2217931
internet side:
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Latitude: -0.3689742, Longitude: 35.9321641

kommentar 5

  • Elvirra Immar

    Elvirra Immar


    ARC hotel is located right in the heart of the university at NJoro. First positive thing is the staff are very kind and helpful, and they do it timely. second is the food served is of quality and less spiced almost very natural its a variety and you cant miss a thing now about food they cook really good kenyan tea, i took a lot than i normally do. The photos show the entrance to the hotel , the reception area, swimming pool, play fields for tennis and basketball they are both hardcourts nearby like 5 minutes walk,dining hall etc. There is KCB bank two minutes away from the hotel too. spare time and visit

  • paul kageri

    paul kageri


    Its a serene place to get away from all the hustles of every day and som e nice place go relax your mind with the swimming pool.

  • Jay Obaigwa Official

    Jay Obaigwa Official


    Very neat....

  • Lucy Waceke

    Lucy Waceke


    Its quiet,very neat and elegant.

  • vincent mkioko

    vincent mkioko


    the best hotel ever have visited

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