Finix Casino i Nairobi

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KenyaFinix Casino



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Finix Casino,Argwings Kodhek Rd,Nyako house,Hurlingham, Nairobi, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 700 049217
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Latitude: -1.2955237, Longitude: 36.7987234

kommentar 5

  • george fredrick

    george fredrick


    One of the best if not the best in the entire City.

  • en



    Good casino in Hurlingam with professional staff and managenent. Live games and slot machines are nice. Service is fine. Meals and drinks are awesome. At weekends it is open untill early in the morning .

  • caleb machoka

    caleb machoka


    Truly lovely casino.Loved their roulette wheels (and they have several) and their food is amazing

  • Ezekiel macharia

    Ezekiel macharia


    The Casino was really nice. The games are OK, especially the slots in the VIP lounge, and the food and drinks service is damn near excellent. The area where they could improve is in how the Pit boss and the upper management welcomes new players. It was our first time there and it's like they were assigning us to lowest level staff to welcome us. All in all, it was all good, and I'll definitely be a member

  • Antoine Valcke

    Antoine Valcke


    J'adore ce casino sur deux étages. Rez de chaussée pour les machines et la roulette. Le premier pour le poker et le black jack. Tournoi de poker tout les premiers samedi du mois (buy in 100000) et sinon tout les dimanches à 21h (buy in 1000). Régulièrement du poker cash game pour les gros joueurs. Le personnel est serviable et très professionnel. Free food, cigarette et boissons. Appreciable. Je recommande. Un des meilleurs de Nairobi.

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