Fire Station Nairobi i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaFire Station Nairobi


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Tom Mboya Street, Nairobi, KE Kenia
kontakter telefon: +254 20 2344559
internet side:
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Latitude: -1.2817174, Longitude: 36.823163

kommentar 5

  • Nafki Creations

    Nafki Creations


    The Fire Station usually referred to as Nairobi Fire Station is owned and operated by the Nairobi County Government and is the main Headquarter of firestatition in Nairobi.At the Fire Station fire engines and an ambulance are always on stand by for any fire alarms within the city or its environs.Situated along Tom Mboya Street near konja stage, it is hard to ignore the fire station as it is painted red in colour hence standing out from other surrounding buildings

  • Peter Kamau

    Peter Kamau


    They are quick to response I love their work

  • Alvydas V.

    Alvydas V.


    Excellent landmark in Koja !

  • en

    patma muriuki


    Theƴ work ɗaƴ night kudos Nairobi fire fighters

  • Wesley Odhiambo

    Wesley Odhiambo


    They are fast to respond to any distress call, the any problem they face us that they are not placed in a good place that allows them respond much fast. The road passing across their gate should be decongested to facilitate their fast movement.

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