Hare Krishna Temple i Nairobi City

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KenyaHare Krishna Temple


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Ngara Road, Nairobi City, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 20 8155039
internet side: www.iskconnairobi.com
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Latitude: -1.2742593, Longitude: 36.8180988

kommentar 5




    Has an amazing spiritual feel and for someone religious this is a great place to feel closer to God. Plus it's not specific to Hindus, allows anyone in the temple

  • Sachin Salunkhe

    Sachin Salunkhe


    Spiritual place for all Hindus and krishna lovers

  • Satish Choudhury

    Satish Choudhury


    Wonderful welcoming folks who serve at the Temple. The Temple itself is quite big and has a large Hall for prayers. Very clean and peaceful atmosphere. Go there with an open mind and experience the joy of the bhajans. The aarti service is nice. Overall a great place to visit for some calmness and peace. The food is super delicious! Esp the kheer. I plan to go as often as I can during my stay at Nairobi. Jai Shri Krishna!

  • harry ndumia

    harry ndumia


    Unlike other temples where Africans are allowed here. There are so many good souls to direct you to the path of Krishna consciousness and there is Wednesday and Saturday classes at 8:00pm-9:00pm after which prasad(offered food) is eaten for beginners and college students who want to know about Krishna consciousness.

  • benard wandera

    benard wandera


    It's a place where all your questions about spirituality and material life can be answered. And vast knowledge from books to association with devotees and delicious food.

nærmeste Hindu Temple

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