Hemingways Nairobi i Nairobi

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KenyaHemingways Nairobi



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Mbagathi Ridge, 00502, Nairobi, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 20 2295012
internet side: www.hemingways-nairobi.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -1.3425279, Longitude: 36.7055201

kommentar 5

  • Rachel Kariuki

    Rachel Kariuki


    The hotel is located in a serene environment surrounded by nature and is extremely tranquil. The reception is humbling and the staff are friendly. I love the rooms, they are spacious, the interior designs of the room is unique, the washroom area in the room is large ,spacious and clean. The food is delicious. You can enjoy the view of the sunset from the balcony of your room. The view at night is mesmerizing! Perfect getaway within Nairobi for the weekend. Can also work as an ideal wedding reception.

  • Gakii Biriri

    Gakii Biriri


    Great food. Great cocktails. Great ambience. Great vibe. Cannot go wrong even if they tried!!

  • en

    Renatka DB


    Wow! The ambiance, amenities, staff, and restaurant of this hotel are outstanding. The price is steep, but in turn you will receive outstanding service throughout your stay. The location is in Karen, an upscale and wealthy suburb. Rooms were comfortable and elegant. The restaurant has ample options for vegetarians and meat eaters alike; breakfast has an equally wide variety. The pool is small, but quiet with a charming view. We look forward to returning.

  • Benedict Mutweko

    Benedict Mutweko


    A wonderful place to spend your vacation. Fantastic food, bar, spa, swimming pool and gym. Spacious rooms with state of the art modern facilities. An excellent service and guidance. Next time, I will take my family and friends with me. What are you waiting for plan your visit.

  • en

    Timothy Karari


    In love with the vibe of this place. The sun and chill ambience. The interior design is outstanding. A perfect execution of the traditional country house feel with a clean light and airy contemporary touch. The food is incredible too. Try their burgers; they're to die for. The sea food too is on point. My only gripe is with the time it takes to get your food ready. I know it encourages time to relax and read the days paper but it could be improved on. The grounds are fantastic too. All in all, a 4.5 stars if I could.

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