Imara Daima Estate i Nairobi City

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KenyaImara Daima Estate


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Imara Daima Estate, Nairobi City, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254
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Latitude: -1.325051, Longitude: 36.8785019

kommentar 5

  • emmanuela mbithi

    emmanuela mbithi


    One of the safest places to live in Nairobi. Very much kids friendly. Very easily accessible and near Nairobi cbd as well.

  • George Onderi

    George Onderi


    A good estate with own compound ,enough parking ,playing ground and plenty of clean water.

  • en

    Abigael Kinini


    The estate is ideal to raise kids. Own compound 3/2 bedroom bungalows with sq. They have public fields. The estate is serene , perfect for morning runs or workouts. The fields are large. Football fields. They also have volleyball fields for both men and women and to top it all off they have a basketball court!

  • Barrack Bosire

    Barrack Bosire


    Residential estate secure and safe. One of the few residential areas with a standard football pitch with two volley ball courts. Brings together more than 400 families leaving different courts with MG Crescent being the biggest .

  • gabriel saka

    gabriel saka


    Imara Daima Estate is located off Mombasa Road, 7.5 Kilometers away from the city center. This is a new and growing estate that entails rental Apartments, villas and town houses. It's a secure and serene location, close to multiple amenities that are necessary for day to day living

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