Java House JKIA Gate 14 Departures Lounge i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaJava House JKIA Gate 14 Departures Lounge



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Airport South Road, 00505, Nairobi, KE Kenia
kontakter telefon: +254 721 371917
internet side:
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Latitude: -1.3303359, Longitude: 36.923897

kommentar 5

  • David Ogara

    David Ogara


    It's a good place. Just that due to the bulging number of people travelling and those who are around the place to receive their guests, family and friends, the place has to be expanded so that people won't end up lacking space to enjoy the services

  • Larian Abreu

    Larian Abreu


    Visit the Chinese restaurant. They can even make dishes not on the menu. Great portions and quick service. A must stop whenever I travel overseas.

  • caroline constance

    caroline constance


    I visit this place frequent when i have to catch a flight. But there are few things I don't like. The place is small and crapped and the waiters always look over worked and at most time it takes long to get service here. Last time I was here I complained to the management but guess what they didn't even care to apologise. For that they get 2 starts

  • en

    Hubert Piechaczyk


    Good place for a coffee, tea, shake, smoothie or frappe. They also serve burgers, quesadillas, chicken wings and sandwiches or pies. Typical BLT is ok. Flat white is very good. Service is very nice, friendly, and fast.

  • Vishnu Ramachandran

    Vishnu Ramachandran


    So gut wie Schrott

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