Jungle Junction i Nairobi City

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KenyaJungle Junction


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Kongoni Road, Nairobi City, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 722 752865
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Latitude: -1.3623832, Longitude: 36.7400275

kommentar 5

  • en

    suleiman hassan


    Nice place make an effort to visit

  • Alan Spybey

    Alan Spybey


    A friendly restful place to camp or rent a berth, and get mechanical TLC for your vehicle. Good food and drink available.

  • Livin' On Spokes

    Livin' On Spokes


    We spent one week. We are cycling Africa from the north to the south. Out of the city, it is a peaceful place. We camped, the area for campers is beautiful, clean, perfect floor. 800kes pppn They also have private rooms for 5000kes the room per night, and dorms for 1600kes pppn. The facilities are just amazing. A little kitchen that worked perfectly for us. A huge and nice common area with tons of plugs, comfy couches, perfect to hang out. They also serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can help yourself with a fridge full of sodas and beer. Just need to write down what you took, and pay on sat or thu. The most amazing thing, all the people that JJ reunit here. All travelers by bike, 4x4 or motorbikes. We had an amazing time talking about countries, adventures and made perfect contacts. Totally recommended! Ah, and there is a supermarket and cafe 5min far from the place. Cannot be more convenient :)

  • Bernard Borchardt

    Bernard Borchardt


    Jungle Junction is just about as perfect a stopover and R & R place as any self-drive Safari person could possibly desire - for bikers and any form of vehicle, including cyclists. It is happily within the larger city of Nairobi, and therfore close to all sorts of shopping centres and malls - a rarity when travelling through Africa. It offers neat and spacious camping space, a totally decent restaurant, serving breakfast trough the dinner - off a set menu. It hosts an excellent motorbike and car workshop. In addition to camping, it also has various in-house accommodation options, from private rooms with double beds, to a dormitory with six beds. It is well managed, friendly, welcoming, relaxed and offers much to any individual, family, or group of travellers. Above all, it is, and remains affordable and yet well organised.

  • Wanja Njiru

    Wanja Njiru


    Best accommodation in town, plus the sandwiches and dinner menu is local heaven. Good job C+D

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