Kivu Resort i Nakuru

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaKivu Resort


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Flamingo Road, Nakuru, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 726 026894
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Latitude: -0.3021277, Longitude: 36.079575

kommentar 5

  • Owino Adhawo

    Owino Adhawo


    Has stood the taste of time. Still going strong.

  • john njoroge

    john njoroge


    The place have excellent stuff ,awesome and finger leaking food what do I say! It has the longest swimming pool in town. I always make a date with them every weekend.

  • David Kamau

    David Kamau


    Excellent service by the staff. The food was superb. The pool was a little bit crowded but nevertheless it's an awesome stay.

  • George Karu

    George Karu


    I did an event. Very friendly prices, variety of activities, friendly support team-well-managed. Cool environment. Very clean n up to standards. I got value for money

  • Peter Owiti

    Peter Owiti


    A good getaway resort with affordable accommodation including swimming pool services; the place is suitable for family holidays within Town. There are two pools one for kids and the other one for adults charged at 300/= ... Kids friendly, wheelchair accessible, suitable for large groups of people, Free WiFi, situated 500 metres from Nakuru national park. The place also has a bar, restaurant and children's park but on the other hand; the staff are outnumbered by guests resulting to a slow poor service especially at the poolside

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