Lee Funeral Home Services Kenya i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaLee Funeral Home Services Kenya



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Argwings Kodhek Road Next To Nairobi Hospital, Nairobi, Kenia
kontakter telefon: +254 722 401861
internet side: leefuneralhome.co.ke
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Latitude: -1.2954074, Longitude: 36.8046132

kommentar 2

  • en

    Rose Thuku


    My family and I laid our loved one to rest a few weeks ago here with Lee funeral. The staff was beyond helpful from the time they got my loved one and until the final services. Although during this difficult time, our family did feel a moment of solace. At the funeral, they worked with us,calmed us and it gave us a peace of mind that even though we had to go through the process of getting a coffin, hearses and all that comes with a funeral, we were going to be OK. Overall family are grateful that we had our services with Lee funeral Home.

  • en

    Monique Njoki


    Thank you Lee for a great experience. Our family cannot thank you enough and thank you for working with us on pricing. They worked with us with our budget and we were able to get a nice decent coffin, hearses and funeral flowers with what we were working with. Thank you for your support during our tough time

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