Nairobi City Hall i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaNairobi City Hall



🕗 åbningstider

02, Koinange Street, Nairobi, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -1.2867552, Longitude: 36.8216349

kommentar 5

  • gabriel saka

    gabriel saka


    Some services have improved but a quick background is in order. The City Council of Nairobi was the local authority governing the city of Nairobi, Kenya . It was the largest of the 175 local Authorities in the country and was under direction of the Governor. It has the worst bureaucracy and corruption in the city

  • Innocensia Owuor

    Innocensia Owuor


    The basement of some buildings flood, most of the lifts don’t work, is almost ever crowded with residents trying to get one service or another. They’ve tried to make application for services available online but I think more needs to be done to reduce the foot traffic into the offices here. I found the security guards here very friendly though and helpful.

  • John Gordon

    John Gordon


    Office of the governor....beautiful white building .

  • emmanuel letela

    emmanuel letela


    The place is one of the busiest in CBD. Seem scared of rushing people and hooking vehicles at bus stations. Bt security is tough. Get the place, get Nairobi compass direction

  • Jonas Kibet

    Jonas Kibet


    Nice colonial style house building. A cool art of work. Nice place housing the county government of Nairobi City

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