Nairobi Railway Museum i Nairobi

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KenyaNairobi Railway Museum



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Nairobi, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 724 380975
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Latitude: -1.2935197, Longitude: 36.8223269

kommentar 5

  • Mariana Esther Martinez-Sanchez

    Mariana Esther Martinez-Sanchez


    They have some really exceptional pieces. The place needs more love, go and visit.

  • Andrew Kigara

    Andrew Kigara


    Really nice place to spend an afternoon. Not much of a groupie type of place though. The antic trains are well maintained. You actual feel like you're an oldie. Also, there's wide variety of information about the trains construction and management by the whites. Best place to learn about the Lunatic Express.

  • en

    Toral Patel


    A nostalgic place. The railway museum is a little known place in the heart of the city centre. It is filled with pictures and items that tells us about the history of East African rail and water transport. Definitely a place to visit again.

  • Kennedy Shikumo

    Kennedy Shikumo


    Very historic and educational place to be. More than 100 years rich of The East African Railway info all in one place. Just great and thumbs up for having the site.

  • Rhoda Ojwang

    Rhoda Ojwang


    Great place to take the kids for a bit of historical lesson. The service could use a bit of improvement. Over all it was a great place to be.

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