Nakumatt Mega i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaNakumatt Mega



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Kariba, Nairobi, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 722 204932
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Latitude: -1.301799, Longitude: 36.8254849

kommentar 5

  • Gaurav Rana

    Gaurav Rana


    Such and ample space. But unfortunately the shelves are empty, however the staff are humble and they try there best in fulfilling the customers needs.

  • Jedida Baraka

    Jedida Baraka


    It's back with a bang, shop all items at Nakumatt, currently having amazing offers as they bounce back. Come one come all

  • en

    Cyrille keith


    Although it changed ownership to tuskys....its still a good mall with great services offered...stalls always full good customer reception...

  • Acie Muiruri

    Acie Muiruri


    The place is a lot more stocked than I expected. I also went shopping without a bag because I had planned to buy one but unfortunately they didn't have any. However the attendant was able to quickly fetch a carton and packed my items neatly in it. I'm impressed I musy say.

  • IN CK

    IN CK


    Handicapped people can shop here quite comfortably. Liked the wide assortment of stock. Very helpful attendants. Always open- so you can make ungodly hour shopping errands. Lovely! Just lovely! I am not sure whether it's still open but I wish them the best.

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