Oasis Eco Camp i Gilgil

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaOasis Eco Camp


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On Road 204, Gilgil, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 729 940165
internet side: www.oasis.co.ke
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Latitude: -0.4757755, Longitude: 36.2684011

kommentar 5

  • Benjamin Kibet

    Benjamin Kibet


    Amazing service, beautiful scene, there is a small hot spring near the camp site. I would go back there anytime and i would recommend it to any camper!

  • Irene Joram

    Irene Joram


    Beautiful scenery, very peaceful and serene. Clean tents and washrooms with water, enjoyed my time there!!

  • aliasgar hussain

    aliasgar hussain


    Good place to relax. Had a great Experience out there. Must Visit for camping

  • Bipin Patel

    Bipin Patel


    Awesome and serene place to spend a weekend.... Rejuvenate and revive by the lake.... Comfortable accommodation and very friendly staff. David the owner/manager is by far the most friendliest of the people I have ever come across in all my travels.

  • Esther O

    Esther O


    Nice quiet place situated right next to lake Elementaita. It has a great atmosphere. The rooms/tents are nice, clean and neat. They have a generator so there is lighting at night. Staff are friendly and helpful. Great place to do bird watching

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