Pampa Churrascaria i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaPampa Churrascaria



🕗 åbningstider

1st Floor, Panari Sky Centre, P. O. Box 76561, Mombasa Rd, 00508, Nairobi, KE Kenia
kontakter telefon: +254 20 828132
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -1.328858, Longitude: 36.855955

kommentar 5

  • Suzie w.s

    Suzie w.s


    Loved the pork chops and turkey in the as much as you can eat reservation

  • en

    hellen richards


    i was at pampa last night for dinner with my boyfriend but to be honest i did not like the experience...unlike before bill was over by 1K, we were two charged 5K for meat, wine that was going for 2500 on the menu was charged 3450 :-( and then water 250 so the total was supposed to be 8700 but the bill read 9700.... that was corrected and then i requested to pay by card, the waiter goes for like 7minutes then comes back and asks me if i can pay via mpesa as the machine is not working, am like ok give me a paybill number or a till number he was like send to the manager's number as we dont have till and paybill. it was a little fishy but they gave me one Mr Jonnes's number and i sent the cash. my question is, why was the wine charged more, secondly why was the bill exaggerated by 1k? is it so hard to do some simple mathematics? i was so disappointed!!!! i dont think i will ever come back and this is a place i have visited for the last 4years and even referred people.

  • en

    Alex Gu


    Meat in assortment, but most of it us not tasty... salad bar is OK, but it does not help. Staff is slow and not attentive.

  • Hermann Neu

    Hermann Neu


    Tolles Brasilianisches Restaurant im 1st Floor, Panari Sky Centre. Hier werden 12 Sorten Fleisch gereicht Rumpsteak, Rindfleisch-Rippen, Rindfleisch Hump, Rumpsteak mit Knoblauch, gegrilltes Lamm, gegrilltes Ziege, gegrilltes Schweinefleisch, gegrilltes Fischfilet , Puten, Perlhühner, Kaninchen, Strauß, Kamel, Krokodil.

  • edwin njakai

    edwin njakai


    Nice setting. The meat was heavenly. All you can Eat meat. Eat till you tap out. Friendly attendants. Worth checking out. 👍

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