Park Place Hotel Nairobi i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaPark Place Hotel Nairobi



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Nairobi, Kenia
kontakter telefon: +254 720 592608
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Latitude: -1.356063, Longitude: 36.7618492

kommentar 5

  • Eric Langat

    Eric Langat


    Friendly staff, great food, nice ambience.

  • Koffi Boy

    Koffi Boy


    I will go back to this place. It's so awesome and good management from receptionists to the rest. God bless you so much. Jesus Is Lord and coming soon. Let's Prepare.

  • bushadventures kenya

    bushadventures kenya


    Useless place and waste of money. I was in this place with my guests to talk on business issues.To be honest the service we received was so poor, food was not of standard but over priced and they kept bringing food that we had not ordered. We painfully paid the huge amount for nothing.I won't recommend business people to this place.

  • en

    Makali Bryan


    Ample parking space available. Wonderful for out door activities such as dinning, team building, and ideal for family. Service was poor, presentation was poor. We sat at the swimming pool terrace and Victor my waiter told us he was overwhelmed after we asked about the service quality. It took more than 40mins to get our order of sausages ready and when they finally arrived some were raw!

  • Karigu Ekumbo

    Karigu Ekumbo


    Very rude staff. Didn't get served for over 40 minutes after I arrived, and even then, the service was wanting. The fries they packed for my daughter were also below par. Highly unsatisfactory service. Toilets also not to the standard expected of a hotel. I only gave it a 1 because my daughter loves the slide and swings.

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