Safari Park Hotel & Casino i Nairobi City

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KenyaSafari Park Hotel & Casino



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Nairobi City, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 20 3633000
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Latitude: -1.2261082, Longitude: 36.8830427

kommentar 5

  • sarah ummi

    sarah ummi


    Decent food, nice rooms. I loved their conference facilities and their field is perfect for events. We visited the casino as well and it was super fun.

  • Brilliant Ideas

    Brilliant Ideas


    I am a photographer and was delighted when I shot a wedding at this place.Their security is top notch but you don't have them all over the place when shooting.This was really nice since I wanted to shoot more personal pictures of the couple that are difficult to do when 6 guards are nearby. Its a really beautiful place and the green is deep no other saturation needed in post #joeimages #safari_park_wedding

  • en

    antoine antoine


    Amazing ambience and variety of rooms and places you can hang out in the hotel. Clean, fresh, amazing food. Simply awesome

  • calvin kiyondi

    calvin kiyondi


    Love those weekend getaway to some cool and classy place in Nairobi. Safari Park Hotel and Casino is that place, you get everything you need to make you feel away from the City. Sitting on an expansive piece of land along the busy Thika road, vegetation cover all over the facility and well maintained lawns or gardens, ancient feel yet classy buildings, swimming pool, water fountain, Casino are a few of what you can get here. The staff are quite friendly, it is a getaway yet it gonna feel like you are at home. There prices for accommodation are quite pocket friendly and you get a lot in the package. If you haven't been here, making the decision to visit the place will be the best next decision you are going to make

  • Anna Kula

    Anna Kula


    Safari park hotel is definitely a 5 star facility. Something for everyone for all occasions: fun, conference, business, family, wedding... The proximity to the Nairobi city has not robbed Safari Park the feel of 'privacy'. The ever green grounds are awesome. Cosy, warm, serene, relaxing, elegant. Is security is guaranteed right from the gate.

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