Sankara Nairobi i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaSankara Nairobi


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Woodvale Grove, Nairobi, KE Kenia
kontakter telefon: +254 703 028000
internet side:
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Latitude: -1.2627149, Longitude: 36.8023322

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jay Zee


    Beautiful hotel and rooms. Great food at a great value. Extremely friendly service.

  • Bulent Cansever

    Bulent Cansever


    Nice hotel , very clean. However need to improve empathy against guests. Yesterday woke up early with big banging sounds. Called the reception, they sent someone over to check. The guy came over heard the sound and said I don't hear anything first. So I kept him waiting second time his eyes rolled up when he heard the sound could not deny. But he said it is coming from next door etc. Let me check . This continues for an 15 minutes and I cannot bear the sound anymore. Went out of the room checking where the sound is coming finally found out there is a gym upstairs and a guy throwing huge metal lifts to the floor. 5:30 in the morning!!! Called the reception they say sorry but this keeps going and never stops. Although they knew the sound was coming from gym, both reception and the engineering guy tried to hide it. So your choice for this hotel now!!!

  • en

    Priyanka Desai


    Lovely hotel- the rooms are stylish and bed really comfortable. The food is great, colorful, vibrant and fresh at all the restaurants. The cocktail and drinks menus are creative and delicious. Sitting out by the pool bar on the 7th floor is super relaxing or you can hit the gym!I would highly recommend this place. Too bad the spa was closed during my stay though- I would have liked to try it out.

  • Kisella Hillman

    Kisella Hillman


    My birthday surprise party was pretty exceptional stayed for almost a week. The service, food everything welcoming and amazing. Although there was a slight issue with the pool staff thinking that I lied about extra people swimming but the manager was able to resolve this as we booked 5 rooms. Thank you

  • de

    Klaus Riedel


    Gute Empfehlung

nærmeste Spa

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