Sarova Panafric Hotel Nairobi i Nairobi

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KenyaSarova Panafric Hotel Nairobi



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Along Valley Road, Nairobi, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 709 111000
internet side:
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Latitude: -1.2900186, Longitude: 36.8105693

kommentar 5

  • Irene Stella Mwangi

    Irene Stella Mwangi


    The food is very well done. The place is clean and the service was good. We were shown the rooms and they are affordable given the location




    The services have really improved from my last visit. I really enjoyed the food menu that is currently available and with the renovations and restoration more beautiful. I had lamb and rice which was supa. 🤗 The staff are also very friendly and you will definitely miss a seat early in the evening as most business and individuals patron the restaurant.

  • en

    Carolyn Adams


    Our stay at the Sarova Panafric was fantastic. We would definitely stay again. The staff and workers were so friendly and accommodating, the food was great, the executive suite we stayed in was beautiful. The Safari they arranged for us was a wonderful experience. The flight to the game park was 45 minutes. Room 65 at the Sarova Mari Game Camp was very beautiful and comfortable. The food at the camp was absolutely great and the Safari was an exciting experience. The guides were fantastic to take us places that we saw the big 5 and so many other animals. Looking forward to doing this again.

  • Kiprutoh Keith L.E

    Kiprutoh Keith L.E


    It is a fancy hotel. It has that seventies theme with the burgundy themed colours. More to it is that, the staff are eager to attend to you and positive to that effect hence will put a smile on your face. Located at the outskirts of the cbd, it is a perfect place to relax and get away from it all. With an ample parking, a swimming pool and an all you can get bar. It is top notch. On the downside, I just feel like they could make it more modern on some parts but maintain the seventies burgundy.

  • Vincent Frihet

    Vincent Frihet



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