Spin City Laundrette i Nairobi City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaSpin City Laundrette


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Chaka Road, Nairobi City, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254
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Latitude: -1.2906664, Longitude: 36.7910296

kommentar 1

  • ben carroll

    ben carroll


    As far as the dependability and cleanliness of the clothes I was satisfied. Maybe this place deserves 3 stars. I just can't justify giving it a higher rating though after the following exchange with the manager occurred. I was working/volunteering in Kenya for the year with an NGO and made a stop over in Nairobi to tend to a project. I wanted clothes washed and dried quickly. On their website they had the "wash and fold" service listed for 1000 KSH for 8-10 kgs of clothes. When we dropped our clothes off they asked for 2400. When we raised a fuss they said we had 2 loads. I would be shocked if we had more than 8 kgs. The manager weighed the clothes but wouldn't show us what the weight was, made us remove some of the dirty clothes if we didn't want to pay another 1000-1200, and then asked for 1200 ksh. He continued to refuse to give us the advertised price until I pulled out my phone and opened the website to show him what the advertised rate was. If you need clothes clean within 24 hours this place is fine if you're willing to pay a high price. Otherwise, I would suggest asking a cab driver or street shop salesman if he knows any kind women who would love to do some laundry for some extra income for 100-200 KSH.

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