Valentine Cake House - Head Office i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaValentine Cake House - Head Office



🕗 åbningstider

Kimathi Street, Nairobi, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 722 794414
internet side:
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Latitude: -1.284253, Longitude: 36.823692

kommentar 5

  • en

    Laurine Pauls


    Amazing place to buy cakes for all occasions at very affordable prices. They can create awesome designs too.

  • june kym

    june kym


    Good place. Offers free cake samples, full of magazines to read as you wait

  • Sylvia Wanjohi

    Sylvia Wanjohi


    I loved the cake. Great customer service. Though it is a bit pricey on some cakes.

  • en

    Floridah Grubbe


    I loved the service.. A very excited team who are ready to take you through the catalogue and your order.. I love Valentine Cake House😄😄

  • Felix Ndirangu

    Felix Ndirangu


    At Valentine Cake House we assert that a birthday isn’t only an important life milestone but also nature’s way of telling us to consume more cake. With this in mind, we see to it that our customer’s birthday cakes are made to their precise specification. Depending on the cake flavour, weight or design your birthday cake can be ready within a day or two; we deliver to institutions, schools and offices. Delivery charges depend on distance. However it is free within the CBD - Central Business District. With your best interest at heart, we have a special category of birthday cakes suitable for clients with certain medical conditions. Our signature tastes may be presented sugarless and/or eggless non changing of their quality

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