Havana Restaurant i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaHavana Restaurant



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Woodvale Grove, P. O. Box 806, 00606, Nairobi, KE Kenia
kontakter telefon: +254 20 4450653
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Latitude: -1.2640967, Longitude: 36.8044364

kommentar 5

  • George Kamau

    George Kamau


    This is where l proposed to my wife. And the team made the best arrangements ever. Nothing was left behind plus some drinks on the house.

  • Wanjiku Karanja

    Wanjiku Karanja


    Be sure to try the food! Visit Havana for more than just the music and nightlife. The food is surprisingly great and quite affordable.I was pleasantly surprised.

  • en

    Michael Bott


    Great place for pizza. Good place to hang out after a day at the beach. Nice music and decoration. Friendly staff

  • en

    Meghan Munson


    Havana has excellent food. Good margaritas. I love the tostada, beef fajitas, and pork belly. Good ribs and steak too. Nice artwork inside and usually some good tunes playing. Not the greatest wine and beer selection, and after around 8pm on the weekends it gets too loud for comfort.

  • Kevin M. Doyle

    Kevin M. Doyle


    So many good memories over the years! A great place to hang. Restaurant is quality. Bar is well stocked. Service is pretty good. Lots of eye candy. Upstairs lounge is wonderful. Taco Tuesdays are fantastic!

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