Brew Bistro Rooftop Westlands Fortis Tower i Nairobi

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KenyaBrew Bistro Rooftop Westlands Fortis Tower



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Mpaka Road, Nairobi, KE Kenia
kontakter telefon: +254 705 466836
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Latitude: -1.264578, Longitude: 36.8043142

kommentar 5

  • Amanda kigera

    Amanda kigera


    Way too full but has amazing music, the drinks are good, a bit pricey but lovely place. It's classy too so I'm always there regardless of the two factors(full and pricey)

  • Gladys Mollah

    Gladys Mollah


    Well, I consider Brew Bistro Rooftop my "local" it's my default hang out joint when I want to dance. Thursday is for salsa, which is my favorite time here but also the djs are usually on top of their game. They brew their own beer which I hear is really good. (I'm a wine girl, so wouldn't know) lol. But, if you're within Nairobi and looking for a place to enjoy good food and music, I highly recommend.

  • en

    Rose Njuguna


    Had a very fun time, good music, good service and mature crowd. I think I found my ideal go to spot! I spent most of my time on the dance floor.

  • en

    Victor Maina


    One of the funkiest clubs in the Westlands district. Set on the roof top with faux turf and a good layout, it hardly ever disappoints whether on a week day or weekend. The crowd is cosmopolitan and diverse and therefore you will meet people from all over the world having a great time here. The also brew their own craft beer which I recommend to try. Which reminds me, their Sunday all day brunch is a sure winner.

  • John Kariuki

    John Kariuki


    Awesome club. Good ambiance. Mature crowd. Ample parking if you have a designated driver. The guards at the gate are really nice but the bouncers in the club can be a little mean. It really sucks that they don't sell any other beer apart from this own brews but theirs isn't as bad. Cocktails are good but a bit pricey Definitely a good Thursday hangout spot if you want to dance. Friday is usually fully packed.

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