Nakumatt Lifestyle i Nairobi City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaNakumatt Lifestyle


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Monrovia Street, Nairobi City, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 20 551814
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Latitude: -1.2812649, Longitude: 36.8182416

kommentar 5

  • Andrew oyuga

    Andrew oyuga


    Parking price not exaggerated. For hours you park go do your errands.

  • Benson Arunga

    Benson Arunga


    No nakumat shop nowadays, the place looks neglected

  • en

    Maurice Nzioka


    Located in a good place in the capital. Has a paid basement parking. Secure and accessible. Restrooms and other clothing stores and a fast food bar

  • Waweru Macharia

    Waweru Macharia


    Nakumatt Lifestyle is located a few miters from the university of Nairobi, it is one of the biggest supermarket chains in east and central Africa. This location is very accessible and very secure which gives it more advantage. in recent time this supermarket is not in great shape so people are shopping in the alternative shopping chains.

  • Mercantile Yard

    Mercantile Yard


    Empty mall. No liquor. No people. No hype. The Fall🚼 of Nakumatt has dropped the status of the whole Mall. I remember when I could eat at first floor while waiting to buy liquor at reduced prices from inside the mall. Now...

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