Westgate Shopping Mall i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaWestgate Shopping Mall



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15, Mwanzi Road, Nairobi, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 715 557775
internet side: www.westgate.co.ke
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Latitude: -1.256632, Longitude: 36.803334

kommentar 5

  • Joyce Opondo

    Joyce Opondo


    Lively place, you get to find items you may not find elsewhere though expensive. And wonderful places to relax, drink coffee, eat both be and non veg. Great.

  • en

    Victor Maina


    This is still one of the finest shopping experiences in Nairobi. Not too late and not too small, just enough. A new anchor tenant is expected to setup shop pretty soon which should really increase activity therein. Art Cafe and Urban Burger are real crowd pullers offering excellent ambience to relax with friends more so on Friday evenings. Parking is also in plenty and security is top notch.

  • Judy Muriuki

    Judy Muriuki


    Awesome place. Especially loved the bookshop. But since Nakumatt left it needs to get a supermarket to replace it

  • Michelle Wanjiru

    Michelle Wanjiru


    This is my favourite mall because it's so close to home. I often go for movies though not the best quality, it's quite affordable. Lack of supermarkets sucks but has a general great ambiance.

  • Roina Ochieng

    Roina Ochieng


    I love the planet media cinemas at Westgate mall. The seats are great and the caramel popcorn is amazing too. It's sad that the text book center was closed down. There's a massive array of stores for everything. They're a bit on the higher side of the price range but you can always find a good bargain too. The mall is very handicap friendly and wheelchair accessible.

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