Paul Cookie Man's Bakery i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaPaul Cookie Man's Bakery


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Nairobi, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254
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Latitude: -1.2842741, Longitude: 36.8263858

kommentar 3

  • Virginia Njeri

    Virginia Njeri


    I love the cookies am a regular at paul cookies man at the embassava stage. However pathetic customer service. The attendants laugh at your face, giggle, get pissed when you make multiple orders.. was buying cookies worth four hundred so wanted separate packaging for all types of cookies for sampling purposes...and the attendant showed open distaste for my request.. i asked concerning the variety and they go like you can read at the display..... i had to demand for a receipt. This is not first time this has happened.. so sad

  • Sharon Odima

    Sharon Odima


    My aunt used to buy us these coconut cookies that were just a pure delight! This was about four years ago, though...I hope they still have them so I can grab a bagful when I visit!

  • Muriithi Kamau

    Muriithi Kamau


    I like!

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