Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge - Safari Lodge in Lake Nakuru National Park i Nakuru

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KenyaSarova Lion Hill Game Lodge - Safari Lodge in Lake Nakuru National Park



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Lake Nakuru National Park, Off Old Nairobi Road, Nakuru County, Nakuru, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 709 111000
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Latitude: -0.3464305, Longitude: 36.1216599

kommentar 5

  • Liz Scott

    Liz Scott


    We loved it. We have been there several times and always feel at home there. The swimming pool is now HEATED.....Wonderful!!

  • T.S. Ramji

    T.S. Ramji


    Great location with the wonderful view of the lake. Friendly staff and the buffet spread is awesome

  • Rikki Pugh

    Rikki Pugh


    Great place. I stay here every year. Beautiful villas, beautiful grounds.....THE SPA!!!!! A truly magical experience. Food is amazing. The staff is amazingggggggg

  • Ginger Ware

    Ginger Ware


    Sarova Lion Hill is a high-end inclusive type lodge inside the game park, with very good service and entertainment. We enjoyed the guitarist who walked from table to table at lunch and dinner, very soulful and interesting choices for our song requests. Our room was a bit small and up a steep hill but for just one night it was fine. Good food even for buffet style.

  • Andrew Tan

    Andrew Tan


    What a wonderful place to spend a few days! This place is awesome in all the right ways. Tranquil, quaint, friendly and welcoming. Our family loved the pool, the garden terrace, the spacious and super clean rooms amoung other things. The food is a very welcome change from other full board hotels we've stayed at in Kenya. It was top notch. Some things to keep in mind: this place is not flash and up to the minute. Instead it's basic and solid, and clean. Remember you'll have to pay park fees for each day you stay here. US$60 per adult per day and $35 for kids, that's on top of the hotel rates, it's not cheap, but the wildlife is just outside the gate and down the road. There are no TVs, but there is WiFi. Fantastic!

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