Yaya Centre i Nairobi

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KenyaYaya Centre



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Yaya Shopping Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 709 439000
internet side: www.yaya-centre.com
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Latitude: -1.2928832, Longitude: 36.7880683

kommentar 5

  • Timothy Coleman

    Timothy Coleman


    It's got most of what you might need: supermarket, butchers, greengrocer, two coffee shops and a food hall upstairs, plus the array of other shops. In short, all you might expect, in a compact shopping centre. Usually it's pleasantly busy, without being too crowded (though the Chandarana tills are horrible). However, the design of this building is awful. Forget about moving up and down multiple levels using the stairs or elevator - you'll need to walk around the opposite side every time. Frequent visitors that don't want to see every shop will be annoyed. You'll need the lift to move between floors easily and there is usually a queue to get in. So while it serves a purpose adequately and the atmosphere is good enough to keep returning, there are unsolvable issues to address.

  • en

    Zeddy Riba


    Good place for GROWN-UPS to hang out. There's a very well stocked bookshop, good restaurants and shopping stores, even for toys. BUT THERE'S NO PLACE FOR KIDS TO HAVE THEIR FUN. There's a TOYWORLD store and a small very expensive den for the very young kids(1-5yrs) but that's it. Kids between 7-teens would have no business at Yaya Centre

  • Victoria B.

    Victoria B.


    Yaya is easy enough to navigate and you can get the items you need fairly quickly. There are a variety of options for eating. As a whole I think it is one of the stronger options in Nairobi. However, when it comes to exchanging money the rates aren’t that favorable so I’d suggest heading to Prestige.

  • Shiru Wanyoike

    Shiru Wanyoike


    The best mall! I love Yaya! It’s not big and ostentatious! It’s just right! With all the coffee shops and clothe shops around! It’s a one stop mall... in case your wondering? Also has a lovely food loft!

  • en

    rita mavunda


    In my opinion, I believe this is the best mall in Nairobi. It is not shiny and brand new. It is cluttered, old, and a bit outdated. However, I believe this mall has everything you need. There are multiple grocery stores. The Italian butchery serves great meat. It does not smell and the cuts are good and easy on the wallet. There are many different types of shops from hardware store, to bookstores, to salons, to clothing and fashion assessories stores all under one roof. There are no empty store fronts. That is telling. Additionally there is a good food court with a variety of foods as well as restaurants. You can convert currencies as well as buy plane tickets. You can buy a bike and find a house for sale. It really has everything in one place. It is packed but it's nice to see different faces. Diversity is always a plus.

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