Sirville Lake Elementaita Lodge i Gilgil

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KenyaSirville Lake Elementaita Lodge


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State Park, Gilgil, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 721 770265
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Latitude: -0.4603092, Longitude: 36.2625673

kommentar 5

  • Monicah Mwangi

    Monicah Mwangi


    Awesome place. Can't get over the pool and the food. The stuff are so friendly. The view is to die for and I got engaged here so.. 🤗😇🥂💯

  • Michael Kibuku Gathanga

    Michael Kibuku Gathanga


    I really love Sirville Lodge where I have been there twice for it's an awesome place for vacation. Their rooms are super lavish and clean. They offer good room services and thumbs up to the management. Their swimming pool is my favorite part of the hotel for it gives a beautiful view of Lake Elementaita.

  • Oren Lerner

    Oren Lerner


    Great location & view. Very nice place for birds watching. Not the best food. Rooms are OK.

  • Kawesa Alan

    Kawesa Alan


    The customer service was great. The lady at the reception and the quad bike guy were great. Great view of the lake by the pool side while u have lunch but the most awesome part is taking a quad bike round the lake. The dirt, view of flamingos, the sleeping warrior is something I still play over n over in my head.

  • Beauty Enigma

    Beauty Enigma


    Sirville was amazing,, especially the pool area which had the pool bar stools where I enjoyed my drink while still enjoying the water. The waiter who attended to us in the pool bar was so friendly, didn't get his name tho. The lodge has beautiful views and the walk around the lake was also quite nice. Great food too. Loved it!

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