Fox Cineplex i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaFox Cineplex


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Nairobi, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 720 366208
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Latitude: -1.2609602, Longitude: 36.8018576

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kibuga Gitonga


    Decent movie theater with a number of screens offering both 2D and 3D movies. The 3D is not the best in the market, but was one of the first available in Nairobi. Most if not all of the latest movies are available (including international premieres). Restrooms on the same floor as the theater and if you are early for your movie there's more than enough to keep you busy at the mall eg food court, arcade, shops, supermarket etc The theater can be accessed via stairs, ramp or elevators. Ample and secure parking is also available. Movie ticket costs between Kes 550 and Kes 650. A variety of soft drinks and snacks are also offered.

  • Ruud Elmendorp

    Ruud Elmendorp


    Nice and New

  • Nidhaa Sajjid

    Nidhaa Sajjid


    Has really comfortable seats plus great sound system

  • Priyen Pindoria

    Priyen Pindoria


    It is a good cinema with the latest film and it is not that expensive too.

  • Eric Kithaka

    Eric Kithaka


    This is my favorite theater. They have some really cool 3D glasses that always blows the movie experience out of proportion.

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