Fox Cineplex Sarit Center i Nairobi City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaFox Cineplex Sarit Center


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Lower Kabete Road, Nairobi City, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 20 3753025
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Latitude: -1.2609334, Longitude: 36.8021768

kommentar 5

  • en

    Joram Netia


    It's great. A helpful staff, nice seats, and it's cheaper than other cinemas. They also have very good service on their contact center. The only slightly negative is a slightly smaller screen (nitpicking here). I'd definitely recommend them

  • Peter Mugoyah

    Peter Mugoyah


    Great. They need to include mobile money transfer as a way of payment

  • en

    Wambui Nderito


    The food area is poor. The lady normally there is abit rude and passive. Popcorn is never fresh but the cinema on its own is good. Good quality and reasonable priced movies.

  • Raisa Mbalule

    Raisa Mbalule


    The movie experience itself is great. However, information posted online cannot always be trusted. Saw an offer on their Facebook page for Mondays and Thursdays for a movie ticket+snack+drink for 500. We got there only to be told that BOTH the coffee and slush machines had broken down.

  • Christine Awuor

    Christine Awuor


    Located at the top floor of the Sarit Center mall in Westlands, find it quite a convenient location. On the other hand, the theater has several outdated screens. A few days ago we were watching a 2D movie and the movie stopped midway. We waited a bit, and when we went to check if the staff were fixing it, they had no idea the movie had stopped. It was finally fixed. Sometimes you arrive and their 3 D screens are not working. These guys need to raise the bar. Popular with families on Saturdays and Sundays for their kid friendly screenings

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