Imax Kenya Century i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaImax Kenya Century



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Mama Ngina Street, Nairobi, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 786 574263
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Latitude: -1.28549, Longitude: 36.8227983

kommentar 5

  • William Njau

    William Njau


    Dear IMAX Kenya 20th Century Your theater still has the best viewing screen in the country but the experience is continually getting deplorable as days go. The 3D glasses are hardly ever cleaned. Or if they are, the person responsible just isn't doing their job. Perhaps consider the option of allowing your clientele to purchase their own 🤓. Last time I was there (during Jurassic World) screening, the movie happened to turn 2D for about five minutes in the middle of the movie. What's that about? Plus I get the idea of charging extra for the upper half of the theater but calling that VIP doesn't even suit the experience. Perhaps even consider a separate entrance for the VIP tickets and a complimentary drink or 🍿 every time. Anyway just a concerned movie goer 👣 3rd July 2018

  • en

    samuel ayore


    For movie lovers, IMAX is the place to be. Big screen with thrilling images, gigantic speakers with thousands of watts for an amazing sound surround, very helpful and friendly staff. In general, the best and unforgettable movie experience ever. It's worth your time and money.

  • Cecilia Makali

    Cecilia Makali


    The screen is great for the 3D experience. You actually feel like you are part of the movie. But something bit me in the cinema hall. I left with a swollen and itchy arm twice in a row. Not going back there ever. They should keep the place cleaner.

  • Catherine Wanjiru

    Catherine Wanjiru


    The theater was clean and not stuffy as I thought it would be. The screen was huge. Like huge in a nice way. On the downside, the delays of the movie hours are wanting. They are not timely. A movie that we paid to watch at 3pm was open for show at 6pm. Three hours later man! That is ridiculous especially if on a tight schedule. Other than that, the experience was okay.

  • Adima Mesa

    Adima Mesa


    The screen is wonderful. Epic size of the 3D screen. The washrooms are pretty decent as well as the snacks on offer. They also offer caramel popcorn. However, they could have better management of movies in terms of ticketing. There have been cases of double bookings for certain movies. They also changed the pricing. 3D glasses could use a boost

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