Westgate Cinema i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaWestgate Cinema


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Mwanzi Road, Nairobi, KE Kenia
kontakter telefon: +254 729 210310
internet side: www.westgate.co.ke
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Latitude: -1.2567167, Longitude: 36.8035729

kommentar 5

  • en

    May-Lin Polk


    Definitely a nicer cinema than at Sarit, but also a higher price. Get there early to purchase tickets and drinks to avoid stress of lines. Only 2 ticket dudes on a Saturday night?

  • Christine Kenanda

    Christine Kenanda


    Looking for a place to chill after a long day? This is it. Clean and well aerated movie theatre. The price for a movie screening is reasonable considering its location. The movie ticket I bought had a voucher redeemable for a meal at KFC. The drinks and bars at the snack are highly priced -like any other hotel or movie theatre compared to those in a supermarket.

  • Andrew Baker

    Andrew Baker


    We pre-booked to see the latest avengers film. The queue was massive, took nearly 30 mins to be served. They advertised an eatery ticket where you get chocolate, popcorn and a drink. They failed to mention you have to get a small popcorn, only a Mars bar (couldn't pick from the other 6 options) and and tiny kids coke or sprite bottle. When entering the cinema we found our seats were double booked and had to go back to the queue. A manager then tried to put us in another showing on the front row which he said was about to start, but had actually been running for 30 minutes. We eventually got placed on the front row at the far left of the cinema for a showing where the brightness was too low and having missed the start. All in all a fairly stressful and unpleasant finish, they seem hopeless.

  • Melvin Anand

    Melvin Anand


    Small screens.. below average sound effects. Better watch movies in home theater ...

  • Andrew Kigara

    Andrew Kigara


    The 3D experience was rather good, to say the least. The place was cozy, but quite squeezed. The lines were actually long and quite annoying considering that it was 9pm. Good customer service. Tickets were fairly priced so I'd recommend.

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