Giraffe Centre i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaGiraffe Centre



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Duma Road, Nairobi, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254 20 8070804
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Latitude: -1.3763639, Longitude: 36.7443169

kommentar 5

  • Fitness for two

    Fitness for two


    Had a great time as always. Seeing and feeding the giraffes does need t take long so if you choose to take the drive out there be sure to do more like the nature walk or watch and learn about these magnificent animals

  • Joe Bassey

    Joe Bassey


    This is Nat Geo wild right before your own very eyes, live and direct. The wonders of creation makes you marvel even more at the creator. Now I have to add this to my list of "sites to visit at every opportunity". I'd love to have the young ones too next time. You can't get any closer than this. Don't take my word for it though, a trial will convince you. Cost? What's a few KSh compared to a lifetime experience?

  • Dustie Spencer

    Dustie Spencer


    The fee for admission is reasonable. There's not much to do. It's basically just a giraffe feeding experience with a tacky gift shop on premises. School groups frequent and the kids feeding giraffes are of course adorable. The helpers are friendly and the giraffes are super cute. Overall I'd recommend going as a stop if you're visiting Nairobi national Park.

  • Dennis Riungu

    Dennis Riungu


    This place is awesome. I went with a group of friends. The classes are actually really educative and fun, yet short. Like 20 min. The place is not so huge so family time and couple time is guaranteed to be interactive. A nice restaurant around here. The giraffes themselves are actively impressive. In my time of coming here, I met Edd, the largest male here. He is really huge and impressive. There are 3 species of giraffes which is also nice to see. The center does some really great efforts to help kids learn about giraffes and environmental conservation. Kudos to the team at Giraffe center.

  • Agnes Nyambura

    Agnes Nyambura


    This is a must visit if you're within Nairobi. The giraffes are super friendly and if you're daring you may actually get a 'kiss' from one of them. This is where you attempt to feed the giraffe from your mouth and it licks the food off you. The giraffes are quite a marvelous site as it doesn't dawn on you how tall they are until they are really close to you. The entry charges are not very expensive both for locals and non residents. I'd highly recommend

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