Riverside Park i Nairobi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KenyaRiverside Park


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Groganville Estate, Nairobi, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254
internet side: www.icealion.com
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Latitude: -1.2699657, Longitude: 36.8051748

kommentar 5

  • Jeff Nyuki

    Jeff Nyuki


    Wonderfully set up facility, visitors parking can be limited

  • en

    Victor Maina


    This is prime commercial business park that houses one of Nairobi's oldest but finest serviced apartments. Recent developments have led to construction of commercial space which house several businesses including ICEA Lion headquarters as well as several international companies.

  • Carolyne Nyawira

    Carolyne Nyawira


    The park is beautiful... safe environment... tough and tight security

  • Abishag Wambui

    Abishag Wambui


    The service is especially good. Always enjoy visiting even though it's just for business. Have I mentioned clean and fresh bathrooms?

  • Christine Amira

    Christine Amira


    Beautiful, clean, serene, modern and secure place in the middle of Nairobi city! Quite a fancy homestead with a swimming pool, gym facilities & sauna. In close proximity to central points within the city, such as town & Westlands area. The houses are well built, furnished and maintained. The interior is very spacious & warm, while the exterior is filled with nature, birds, fish in a fish pond, beautiful trees and vegetation, radiating fresh air & beauty.

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