Uhuru Park View Point i Nairobi

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KenyaUhuru Park View Point


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Cathedral Road, Nairobi, KE Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254
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Latitude: -1.29072, Longitude: 36.8150451

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kevin Kori


    Has a nice view of the Nairobi city, although sometimes doesn't feel safe with some guys sleeping underneath the platform.

  • Mwaniki Benjamin

    Mwaniki Benjamin


    Beautiful view for the city, good for photograph.

  • david waiganjo

    david waiganjo


    It was a marvelous experience. Considering that its a monumental place in Kenya's history, I was happy to be at that place early in the morning to view the Nairobi skyline. It is a cool and quiet place early morning for meditation, walks and various exercises. The skyline can help us identify the various buildings landmark buildings in the city. We can identify the Kenyatta international conference centre (K.I.C.C.), the Hilton, Times tower, Parliament buildings, Catholic parochial building, Chester house, Nyayo house, Laico Regency and many more.

  • jared okech

    jared okech


    Great sits upon cathedral road and the Juction road joining Haileselassie road

  • en

    Jeff Dianga


    Quiet, Peaceful and Green

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