The Nairobi Arboretum i Nairobi

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KenyaThe Nairobi Arboretum



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Nairobi, Kenia
kontakter telefon: +254 733 823045
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Latitude: -1.2785331, Longitude: 36.8033272

kommentar 5

  • Daniel



    The place is green, plant life is abundant but wildlife is hardly available. Its cool for hosting quite a number of events at an affordable price. Entry fee is also super cheap but nearby shops/kiosks sell items at double the prices, carry your own edibles.

  • Josiah Holo

    Josiah Holo


    Interact with Nature at the Arboretum. Very fresh air, interesting nature walks but I recommend you stay vigilant and if you can stay within active areas. I didn't see any security within the park.

  • Elizabeth Davis

    Elizabeth Davis


    A small park where many events take place. I visited this park twice a week as I had a boot camp class there. Some improvement have been made at the main entrance gate but they really need to improve on the having proper toilets. Other than that this is a very nice park .

  • Moses Sukali

    Moses Sukali


    The arboretum is a natural Forest Park located in the capital city of Nairobi. It's a place with excellent relaxation ambiance and suitable for picnics, outdoor events, team building activities , nature trails, jogging and cycling activities. It is also among the most popular locations for photographer interested in fashion and wedding photography. The gardens are well manicured and clean. There is provision for sitting benches and washrooms. You will spot monkeys and lots of bird species here too

  • Maryanne Kamau

    Maryanne Kamau


    Peaceful place. Has eucalyptus trees that smell great especially after it has rained. Also a good venue to host events.

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