Uhuru Park i Nairobi

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KenyaUhuru Park


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Nairobi, Kenya
kontakter telefon: +254
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Latitude: -1.2903935, Longitude: 36.8165834

kommentar 5




    The park has all recreational amenities for all age groups... Has accessible paths and resting places too.. Not forgetting the beautiful trees with nice shades for when it's a bit too hot. Good place to have photoshoots with your buddies 🤣

  • Ian Otieno

    Ian Otieno


    A park in middle of the city. As a resident I have gotten used to it. But nonetheless it's a nice place for a stroll. However you do need to keep a watch on your surroundings as unsavoury characters can target you. Word of caution avoid crossing it at night time hours.

  • Eric Kasyoka

    Eric Kasyoka


    Nice public park. Not much tree cover so be ready to face the elements. Friendly people all around. Of course be mindful of your personal belongings. There are boat rides, came rides, and some merry go rounds toward the center of the park. Three major monuments at either side of the park serving as historical national unity symbols. The grounds are relatively nice for day time walks and ice cream.

  • en

    julius otinyo


    Great place for relaxation. Maybe even a picnic. The surroundings are cool and my kids enjoyed the swings. But watch out for street urchins who hangout near parking areas. And wherever there's food.

  • en

    Rizwan Ikram


    This is an amusement park for family and enjoy meals. It is not that big but good for spending evening here. food variety is good and quality is good. it is not very expensive and your whole family can enjoy meal even mutton at good price. I recommend to spend some time with family here. Although I am tourist but spent time with my team at many occasions. My team always enjoyed it.

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